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Glenn's Columns

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Where Glenn Has Been Published


Glenn's work has been published in the newspapers and magazines listed below. If you are interested in seeing Glenn's columns on the opinion page of your local newspaper, feel free to contact the opinion page or editorial page editor and let him or her know.

  1. Albany Times Union

  2. Albuquerque Journal

  3. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

  4. Army Times

  5. Atlantic City Press

  6. Biloxi Sun-Herald

  7. Boston Globe

  8. Brainerd Daily Dispatch

  9. Chicago Daily Law Bulletin

  10. Chicago Sun-Times

  11. Chicago Tribune

  12. Cincinnati Post

  13. Colorado Springs Gazette

  14. Daily Breeze [Los Angeles]

  15. Daily Hampshire Gazette

  16. Detroit News

  17. Duluth News-Tribune

  18. Evergreen Monthly

  19. Fort Wayne Journal Gazette

  20. Ft. Worth Star-Telegram

  21. Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star

  22. Gary Post-Tribune

  23. Hartford Courant

  24. Honolulu Star-Bulletin

  25. Houston Chronicle

  26. Human Events

  27. Insight magazine

  28. Intermountain Jewish News

  29. Kentucky Post

  30. Lansing State Journal

  31. Lexington Herald-Leader

  32. Long Beach Press Telegram

  33. Long Beach Times

  34. Los Angeles Daily News

  35. Los Angeles Daily Journal

  36. Los Angeles Times

  37. Louisville Courier-Journal

  38. Mail & Guardian

  39. Marine Corps Times

  40. Massachusetts News

  41. Memphis Commercial Appeal

  42. Metropolitan News-Enterprise [Los Angeles]

  43. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

  44. Minneapolis Star Tribune

  45. New York Sun

  46. Newark Star-Ledger

  47. Newsday

  48. Norfolk Virginian-Pilot

  49. Omaha World-Herald

  50. Orange County Register

  51. Pasadena Star-News

  52. Philadelphia Inquirer

  53. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

  54. Providence Journal

  55. Quad City Times

  56. Riverside Press-Enterprise

  57. Sacramento Bee

  58. Sacramento Business Journal

  59. St. Louis Post-Dispatch

  60. Salt Lake City Tribune

  61. San Diego Union-Tribune

  62. San Francisco Chronicle

  63. San Francisco Daily Journal

  64. San Gabriel Valley Tribune

  65. Santa Barbara News-Press

  66. Santa Clarita Signal

  67. Sarasota Herald-Tribune

  68. Seattle Post Intelligencer

  69. Tallahassee Democrat

  70. Abuse Your Illusions: The Disinformation Guide to Media Mirages and Establishment Lies (The Disinformation Company)

  71. Ventura Voice

  72. Washington Free-Press

  73. Washington Times

  74. W. New York Family Magazine

  75. Whittier Daily News



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